Members of Social Work Leaders in Health Care are invited to apply for financial grants for projects and activities such as in-services or workshops. This grant is designed to strengthen and develop social work leadership in health care and to promote standards and ethics for the delivery of social work in health care settings.
To submit an application for consideration, please complete the form below. The purpose of the Social Work Leaders in Healthcare of Metro St. Louis is to advance the development of effective social work leaders in any health care setting. Please be sure to include how receiving this grant will benefit you in the areas of leadership, professional development/education, and delivery of social work services in health care.
Grant awards could include the following;
Attending an in-service, or workshop related to a health care topic of interest
Books or reference materials to use in practice.
Grant awards exclude and will not be awarded for the following
Licensure prep courses and/or exam fees
Social work supervision courses
Financial assistance for patients/clients
Travel expenses to workshop or event
Experiences related to current employment or social work related health care experience such as a mission or service trip.
Please note: Funds are limited; submission of an application does not guarantee grant approval. Grant recipient will be asked to present to the membership a summary of how the grant was used, how it was beneficial, and what was learned. This can be either in person or through a newsletter article. *You must be an active member to apply.
email | [email protected] mail | 8816 Manchester Rd. #168, St. Louis, MO 63144